During World War II defense efforts occupied the membership’s energies. A war sewing room was set up for making rolled bandages and Red Cross classes in first aid, home nursing and canteen work were held. The Club also lobbied the City Council to provide housing for Marinship shipyard workers.
From its inception, the Club supported many “worthy causes” envisioned by the founders, including aid to needy families and disaster victims. The 1923 minutes note that the members provided “a mental ward with tobacco and 900 lbs. of magazines.” The Presbyterian orphanage was more sensibly—at least by contemporary standards—provided with clothes and money.
In 1986, the Club’s support to charitable organizations was reorganized under the leadership of Dorothy Cousins as a Donations Committee. The Club’s donations focus on services to women and children, conservation and local groups. Some of these organizations have been supported by the Club for over 20 years.